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SEO service vs link building service

Link building for your website is a subset SEO Service and is simply the process of creating and establishing relevant quality inbound backlinks to your website which will help your website achieve higher rankings within the major search engines and it will also generate targeted visitors to your website. Here’s what I have found out about Link building for your website, through watching how it was done cheaply, to actually doing it myself. I will now try to define Link building for your website as simply as I can, I can’t stress or explain enough that it is not the quantity of inbound backlinks to your website that helps you rank well but rather the written quality of those backlinks pointing to your website.

There are countless unethical SEO experts around which employ some pretty shady tactics and practices which will just end up damaging your website and detrimental to your online campaign instead of helping it.

Techniques to Avoid……

The famous – Keyword stuffing: which involves you literally packing long lists of keywords and nothing else onto your website. This practice will ensure you get penalized, when it’s crawled by the search engine spiders. You will need to find the correct methods of how to place keywords and phrases in the correct way on your Web website.

Invisible text – The sneaky practice of putting lists of keywords in white text on a white background, in hopes of attracting and manipulating the search engine spiders. Never a good idea, you will get penalized

Poorly written broken English content with backlinks in it also don’t bring the results that you want. Amazingly I have seen backlinks for shooting clubs, the key word “shot gun” on a baby forum!!!!!! Poorly written, poor quality isn’t going to bring you results , so imagine the effect 20,000 of these backlinks would have on your website – NOT GOOD!

best link building service

Link building for your website should be ….

• Well written with content that makes sense with the backlinks embedded in the content.


• Should only be in categories relevant to that industry or product.

• High quality, focused and lazer targeted.

• All backlinks should be able to be followed to their source

• Each link should be unique – not spun or software generated.

• Should be time consuming, attention to detail is a must.

• Remember it’s about THE QUALITY not mass QUANTITY.

Again the above is an abbreviated guide on how Link building for your website works for me and my clients, always remember Link building for your website is not the full package only a small percentage. It’s like driving a car, you need more than just petrol to drive a car, wheels, nuts & bolts, gear stick etc. It’s the exact same with SEO, there are many factors to be considered to get your website ranking, and it’s helpful to know how Link building for your website works.